
Operations for ePatterns

Ops manages the ePatterns websites. So you shouldn’t see this page; You should see one of the others (linked below).

On Domains Background

Matt Hargreaves owns the epatterns.com.au domain and sub-domains it (defines ‘A’ record DNS hosts) to {consulting, sw-eng, operations, and others} for projects associated with ePatterns.

Matt Green owns the digitaldarwin.au domain and sub-domains it for projects there, including protomaps and others.

Matt Hargreaves also owns the Itchy.studio domain, which is used for many creative arts projects, so he sub-domains it accordingly. He also uses it to develop DigitalDarwin work before it gets migrated to production DigitalDarwin.


Digital Darwin

ePatterns Internal netdata Monitoring

Django Websites

Hosts with their own domain names which are hosted on this WordPress MultiSite.

Itchy Studios WordPress WebSites

Old .art/.store Domain WebSites

Domained off ePatterns.com.au

Named as sub-domains (actually ‘hosts’) of epatterns.com.au

  1. https://operations.epatterns.com.au
  2. https://nettracks.epatterns.com.au
  3. https://consulting.epatterns.com.au
  4. https://grumpygrans.epatterns.com.au
  5. https://alive-drumming.epatterns.com.au
  6. https://thebrightredkite.epatterns.com.au
  7. https://sw-eng.epatterns.com.au
  8. https://angrybodies.epatterns.com.au
  9. https://cypherfigures.art

Default Sites

When a host/sub-domain is not given.

  1. https://epatterns.com.au/
  2. https://www.epatterns.com.au/

Bad URL Response

When the host/sub-domain is miss-typed.

  1. https://total-and-absolute-noise.epatterns.com.au/

Redirection from WordPress.com Domains

  1. https://grumpygrans.art/
  2. https://nettracks.store/
  3. https://the-bright-red-kite.art/
  4. https://angrybodies.art/
  5. https://cypherfigures.art/

Redirection from alive-drumming.org Domain

  1. https://alive-drumming.org


  1. http://operations.epatterns.com.au
  2. http://nettracks.epatterns.com.au
  3. http://consulting.epatterns.com.au
  4. http://grumpygrans.epatterns.com.au
  5. http://alive-drumming.epatterns.com.au
  6. http://thebrightredkite.epatterns.com.au
  7. http://sw-eng.epatterns.com.au
  8. http://angrybodies.epatterns.com.au
  9. http://cypherfigures.art


  1. http://epatterns.com.au/
  2. http://www.epatterns.com.au/


  1. http://total-and-absolute-noise.epatterns.com.au/